Hand Maiden Kotor 2
KOTOR II Query, Atris's Jedi RelicsOkay. My sister is playing KOTOR II right now, which leads to many 'discussions' of who deserves the 360 the most right now. However, since I also like KOTOR, and I've already beaten both, she ends up asking me things.Now, on Telos in Atris's polar base, the first time you're there, they say something about Jedi relics she saved. When you talk to the Handmaiden, you can try to persuade her to show them to you.
How To Recruit The Handmaiden Kotor 2
Jul 28, 2015 Is there a COMPLETE Influence Guide for KOTOR II? There are plenty of guides for KOTOR II's influence system, but many of them focus on the best possible path to gain positive influence with certain party members. This makes it difficult to, for example, get Atton to.
What I wanted to know is if you can ever get her to say yes. I don't remember her ever saying yes to me (I've only played as a good guy), though, and it could be different for different gender and alignment; as well as Persuade and Charisma. Re: KOTOR II Query, Atris's Jedi RelicsNope the discple from dantooine follows if your female.You are talking to the only man to have out Factized Hex at KotOR. Though she may not remeber or care or is too ashamed at it.in addition The relics and Holocron Finding was a subplot taken out of the Game due to lack of time to finish it.Also the only holocron you can find and gain is on dantooine and its a fake, as its attempted to be pawned of on you for 500 credits by a con artist salvager.The other is either damged in an explosion or shows bastilla Dark side if you said that reven was male and Darkside. Its found in Master Uthar Winns old sealed Room on Korriban.But niether of these relate to Atris or the Echani Hand Maiden.
Kotor 2 Handmaiden Influence
But yeah, you get Disciple instead of Handmaiden if you're a female character, and they can both become Jedi. But I don't think Brianna/Handmaiden becomes a Guardian, though it always it seemed like she should. I think she becomes a Sentinel. Bao-Dur can become a Guardian.I could be wrong, but Guardians are supposed to automatically Force Jump when carrying a lightsaber, and though I always gave Jedi-Handmaiden a lightsaber I never remember her Force Jumping. Never did give Bao-Dur a lightsaber.

Disciple Kotor 2
Always had him fight bare-handed.And yeah, I knew about the Bastila holocron on Korriban, but I could have sworn it had more to do with the leanings of your II character than with Revan. I don't remember what I said Revan did for my evil II game, though, so I can't be sure.(Yeah, I said I wouldn't be here till Thursday.